A Monthly Newsletter from the Centre for Teaching and Learning

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Welcome Back!

We are excited to reconnect with the Durham College community through our CTL Monthly. Jean Choi, the Dean of Teaching, Learning, and Program Quality, provides us with a sneak peek at the new initiatives that faculty are engaging in with the CTL. Read on to explore the changes in technology (hello Zoom!), the Educational Technology Pilots that will be running throughout the fall and winter semesters, the SoTL projects that will be conducted this year, some semester start-up reminders, and a series of fantastic professional development opportunities both at DC and beyond. We know this newsletter has something for everyone to excite you for this coming academic year.

Happy Reading!

-The CTL Team

Go to this Sway

As always, the CTL is here for you with resources such as Planning to move your course to remote delivery and Achieving outcomes using educational technology.

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